Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor

Tyson Skeen was selected as Utah’s Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor (TSRP) in January 2016. As Utah’s TSRP he is a subject matter expert in impaired driving issues and cases and has provided technical assistance in thousands of situations across the state. He instructs prosecutors, law enforcement, judges, and other traffic safety partners in impaired driving topics with the goal to reduce impaired driving and save lives. Tyson began his legal career with a short stint as a defense attorney before becoming a prosecutor, which was the only job he ever really wanted. Prior to becoming Utah’s TSRP, Tyson prosecuted for Salt Lake City and the City of West Jordan and is passionate about this work. When not instructing or helping with impaired driving issues, you can likely find Tyson with his family outdoors fishing, hunting, hiking, camping, or doing anything else that allows him to breathe in that therapeutic mountain air.